An outdoor chair with a canopy may seem like something only the most dedicated of campers would go for, but we are here to tell you that if the Beverly Hillbillies were to pack up their gear on the back of their Okie pick-up, they would surely take their outdoor canopy with them. Below, we list the seven reasons this much-admired piece of chair technology will transform your experience with the outdoors.

An outdoor chair with canopy can improve your health, is far easier to setup and pack-up than you think, and will double your enthusiasm about outdoor activities.

(1) Improving your health

Hikers carry their outdoor chairs down a trail.

Shade has almost become a commodity, particularly in the hotter regions of the world, as we try to limit sun exposure due to skin cancer and other dreaded ailments. Sitting under an outdoor chair with canopy will protect you from tons of sun on your face, chest, and belly. This reason alone is enough to buy one as soon as possible, so you can test out your newfound happy place at your kid’s next soccer game.

(2) Easy to use

They seem more complicated, but outdoor chairs with built-in roofs are a one- or two-step set-up. Some come with a built-in “wrapper” (usually the canopy itself) and a snap-to system to keep it all rolled up. GCI Outdoor’s Pod Rocker folds as small as any other foldable chair, with the added benefit of being able to rock and keep you out of the sun when paired with the sunshade. The shade accessory for the Pod Rocker folds up just as compact as the chair, and the whole system fits easily into a carry bag. The chair also includes padded shoulder straps, so it’s an easy item to carry.

(3) Take your comfort to the next level

A beach-goer sits in her GCI Outdoor chair with canopy while she looks out at the water.

Canopy chairs have so many fine qualities that sitting outside in one feels like you’ve discovered new chair territory altogether. You won’t be better than others, but you’ll feel that way. Especially when it comes to the weekend-long soccer tournaments or all day beach excursion, the benefits of an outdoor chair with canopy can’t be beat.

(4) Stake your territory

Any decent outdoor chair with canopy will help you create a far more secure space. You will feel like you’ve staked your claim to real territory, whether you’re at the campground, the poolside, or the baseball field. A blanket on the ground is the foundation, but the canopy chair is the turret, watchtower and moat of your personal space.

(5) Avoid the crowds

A couple relaxes on a sunny afternoon while sitting in their folding chair.

Have a family reunion coming up, or trying to salvage some privacy near a crowded soccer field? Well, the outdoor chair with canopy will help in a couple of ways. First, you can sit outside longer and more comfortably, thus outlasting those who get a little too warm in the sun; second, in the canopy offers just enough shade to give you a bit of privacy, despite the fact that you may be surrounded by people. If you really want to fly solo, sit in your chair with headphones on, or read a book. Turns out, an outdoor chair with a canopy can be an introvert’s dream!

(6) Sporting event heaven

We’ve mentioned it already, but attending a sporting event at 2pm on a summer day is immensely more enjoyable if you have some shade to sit under. You’ll find it easier to attend sporting events for all your nephews and nieces. Yes, you love the kids but sometimes the games can drag and sitting on the bleachers is too crowded and too much like rock-sitting. The outdoor chair with canopy makes the whole affair far more manageable.

(7) Your own sporting events

A woman plays kickball on a dirt field.

Have you enrolled in an adult kickball league? Bring the canopy chair and take a breather between brews and trying to fend off your opponents. Just don’t forget to stretch before the big game!

(8) Concerts

If you regularly attend summer entertainment under the stars, an outdoor chair with canopy is a serious upgrade. You’ll more easily be able to locate your Cadillac in a field of compact cars, for starters, and you’ll be more comfortable for longer periods, making those day-long festivals a downright breeze.

(9) Camping

A camper spends time with his dog while sitting in his GCI Outdoor chair with canopy.

These chairs are ideal for camping because they provide much-needed shade, a respite from the occasional raindrop, and with fancier models, a footrest and plenty of cup holder room. When it comes to the health benefits of camping, getting some time off of your feet is just as necessary as staying active throughout the day. A reclining camping chair is the perfect option: it’s like the recliner in your living room, except in the outdoors. 

(10) Self-esteem builder

Most people are still using outdated, low-tech foldable chairs. These are great, especially the extremely small or lightweight camping chairs, but an outdoor chair with canopy is a huge upgrade. You'll immediately feel like you've done something nice for yourself, and when you do nice things for yourself, you tend to feel good. It's just that simple. 

What are you waiting for? Check out our line of camping chairs today!