Selling at a farmers market is a great way to get exposure in the community and reach new customers—but it often means loading up early in the morning after an already-busy week. Creating an organized, inviting space is the key to attracting shoppers to your stall, and that means there’s so much more to bring beyond just the product you are selling.

Whether you’re a new vendor or a veteran seller, having a farmers market vendor checklist handy can ensure that everything you need is ready to go. Start with the list below, and add your own items to create a personalized checklist that helps you stay sane throughout the busy season!

  1. Table

If your vehicle is tight on space, prioritize a table above all other items! A blanket or tarp might be easier for you to spread out, but customers don’t like having to bend down to browse—many will simply walk right by.

Luckily, there are table options that can help draw customers in without being difficult to set up. The Slim-Fold Cook Station™ has multiple fold-out side tables, which are great for organizing produce and other goods. When fully opened, the tabletop gives you 52” of space, while the lower side tables and storage rack can hold additional inventory.

Need a little more space? Check out the Slim-Fold Table XL™, which offers a single surface measuring 60” x 30”.

The Slim-Fold Table XL™ folds up and breaks down in a snap.


Both tables have sturdy, one-piece designs that fold completely flat and have built-in carry handles. They’re convenient, easy to load, and light enough to move around as needed. The heat-resistant aluminum surfaces can even hold a camp stove, letting you entice more shoppers over by cooking up some samples.

The Slim-Fold Cook Station™ has plenty of space for a cooking demo—and the delicious smells will have shoppers wandering over in no time.


  1. Canopy or Tent

Shade is essential to keep you cool, and to keep your produce looking great. Bring along a small pop-up canopy, tent, or umbrella with enough coverage for the table you’ll be using. You’ll also need to bring weights heavy enough to securely anchor down each tent leg. Yes, this adds bulk to your pile of gear, and adds time to your setup, but when the sun is beating or the wind is blowing, you’ll be glad to have the extra protection.

  1. Banners & Signage

Let your customers get to know you and make your space stand out by hanging banners and signs! At minimum, plan on hanging a large sign at or above eye level with your farm or business name and location. In addition, you may want to hang posters that give a little more information about you, such as your mission and goals or information about your sourcing or process—and don’t forget pictures! A sign with accepted payment types can also be helpful. Near your register or cash box, place a pile of your business cards and a mailing list sign-up sheet, if these are applicable to your business. Don’t make customers squint—all the signs you post should use large type, easy-to-read fonts or handwriting, and high-contrast colors.

On each box or basket of your display, add eye-catching labels (with clearly marked prices) so that customers know what they’re looking at. Labels are a great opportunity for highlighting heirloom varieties as well as tips for storing and using your products, plus any other product qualities that might be a selling point—think “Great for frying!” or “Very spicy!

Finally, don’t forget heavy-duty tape and string for hanging signs and sticking labels as needed. It’s a good idea to also keep a back-up stash of sign-making materials in your vehicle, including pieces of cardboard, markers, pens, and a pair of scissors.

  1. Checkout Necessities

When it comes time to collect payment from your customers, make sure the experience is smooth and seamless. What you use for checkout depends on the complexity of what you’re selling (and how good your mental math skills are). For some, a simple calculator and a cash box suffice, while others set up a portable cash register. Either way, make sure you have plenty of small bills and coins on hand so that you can provide change.

If your prices are based on weight, place a calibrated scale near the register or cash box so that you won’t need to dash back and forth. You may also want to keep pens and paper slips or a receipt book nearby in case a customer requests proof of their purchase.

  1. Bags

Don’t make customers juggle their tomatoes on the way back to the car! Be sure to bring paper or plastic bags for your shoppers to carry their goods away. This is a nice touch that will help them think positively about your business, and it’s a great opportunity for you to slip your business card or a flyer in each bag.

  1. Cleaning Supplies

Trash has a way of accumulating even when we least expect it, so make sure to have at least one trash bag stashed behind your display. Paper towels or rags will also be handy if you need to wipe down your table or mop up a spill, and a bottle of hand sanitizer lets you clean up quickly without needing to leave your stall.

  1. Water

Market days can be long, hot, and tiring, making it especially important to stay hydrated. Bring a large reusable bottle filled with water and ice, and get in the habit of taking small, frequent sips from it.

If you’re selling produce, you’ll also want a separate water bottle with a spray nozzle or mister. Keeping your veggies hydrated will help them stay at their most attractive to passersby throughout the day!

  1. Rubber Mat

Standing at your table stocking goods and assisting shoppers all morning can take a surprising toll on your body. Prevent discomfort and reduce the potential for issues like lower back pain and varicose veins by putting an anti-fatigue mat down behind your table. This will help you stay focused on connecting with customers, selling your goods, and having fun!