Explorer, Founder of Overland Eats

Jason spends his time in the mountains of Colorado cooking up food and adventure with his purpose built Overlanding Rig. After growing up in New Orleans and developing a passion for preparing big meals with family and friends, he moved to Denver, where he quickly began spending his weekends in the mountains. One of his favorite pastimes is dropping GPS coordinates in the National Forest and inviting off-roaders, hikers, and adventurers to a location for an exclusive high-altitude dinner feast. The menu is usually an easy-to-make camping meal, or whatever the catch of the day is from the freshwater rivers and lakes of Colorado. He loves to create elevated meals over an open fire that you usually wouldn't find in the back woods and always has a plentiful amount of spices, garnishes, and produce packed into his rig. You just never know when you'll find a great spot to cook up an epic meal!

"Prepping large meals in the backcountry often requires a lot more space than just my tailgate. I use one of my GCI cook stations anytime I'm cooking for a group."